Sknlogic Tone with Kiwi Sample

Tone with Kiwi

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SKNtone intensively removes all residue impurities, improves the skin’s overall tone, and prepares the skin for treatment. Kiwi extract protects against potential skin degeneration. Balances the PH of the skin and prepares it for treatment.

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Product description

SKNtone intensively removes all residue impurities, improves the skin’s overall tone, and prepares the skin for treatment. Kiwi extract protects against potential skin degeneration. Balances the PH of the skin and prepares it for treatment.

SKNtype & SKNconcern: All skin types and skin concerns.


Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Sule Pienaar Strydom
Great product!

Leave the skin fresh and clean!